Name _____________ Class _________ Date ______Topic ___________

Model Construction Checklist


Excellent (14 points)

Good (10 points)

Poor (5 points)


*   The model is constructed well and will hold up to the intended use. The model is safe.

·  The model is constructed well, but will not hold up to the intended use. The model is safe.

·  The model is not constructed well or is not safe.


*   The explanation of how the model works is clear and in the builder’s own words.

·  The explanation of how the model works is clear but is not in the builder’s own words.

·  The explanation is unclear.


*   There are many details in the model. There are no obvious details missing. Whenever necessary, the environment has been included.

·  There are one or two obvious details missing, or the environment has not been included.

·  The model has few or no details.

Scientific Accuracy

*   The scientific concepts behind the model are accurate. The model clearly demonstrates the concepts intended.

·  The scientific concepts behind the model are not clear.

·  The scientific concepts have not been addressed in the model.


*   The model works as the builder intended it to. The model does an outstanding job of simulating the real elements of the concept.

·  The model works, but not as completely as the builder intended it to.

·  The model is not in working order.


*   The model is neat and presentable. All writing is easily readable, in dark ink, and is neat.

·  The model is neat and presentable. All writing is not easily readable, is not in dark ink, or is not neat.

·  The model is not neat and presentable.


*   The model is clever or unique. Plans for the model indicate preplanning (submit plans).

·  The model is clever, but there is no indication that the builder did any preplanning.

·  The model does not demonstrate creativity.

Total Column 1 ___ x 14 = _____ Column 2 ___ x 10 = _____ Column 3 ___ x 5 =___