 Team 6P  Burke County Middle School


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Frederica, Our Guinea Pig


Frederica, our guinea pig is pretty -- white all over. She has small red eyes. She is very friendly and lovely, but sometimes nervous. She loves to be next to your body and up close to your hair.

      Frederica eats carrots (chopped up). She also eats a mixture of dehydrated alfalfa, soybean, ground oats, dried whey, and cane molasses. Frederica has food put in a little dish but when it's put her cage, she dumps it out and eats it. 

      Frederica's home is a cage. It's filled with fresh litter (natural pine bedding & litter). Also, her cage is supplied with a water bottle and an animal gym set. She also has a salt wheel to help her retain nutrients. Frederica is given a bath every other week. To dry her off, we use a miniature blow dryer. It takes a little time.  We leave her at school on weekdays, but on the weekend, our teacher takes her home.  We leave a night light on for her when we leave.