 Team 6P  Burke County Middle School


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     Burke County Junior Beta Club is proud to present their 41st anniversary. Beta Club was established in 1961 and has been a tradition in lots of schools. To talk more about what Beta Club deals with, I would first like to explain that there are three pillars to Beta Club. First is leadership every member should have this skill as people look up to us, and we are leaders of the future. Second is service, Beta Club representatives are well known for their service throughout their community and school. Last but certainly not least is solid character, every representative is held to show their good solid character especially when serving others who need our help.

Know I would like to congratulate the students of team 6p in alphabetical order who qualified for Beta Club: Santana Avery, Patrell Brown, Kenyonta Freeman, Benjamin Grunewald, Veronica Henderson, Jamie Joiner, Katie Lamb, Brittany Moss, Meagan Ryan, Katy Sparks, and Sharice Wade. Thanks and again congratulations to the students on team 6p.


                        Written & typed by: Katie Lamb